About Elena
Elena Henderson was born in 1965 in Tula, near Moscow, Russia. She graduated in 1987 from the Polytechnic University with a master’s in computer science and moved to Toronto, Canada in 1996. In 2009, she earned a design degree from the International Academy of Design and Technology in Toronto.
Elena is renowned for her elegant style and fresh color palette. She uses painting as a powerful form of self-expression, translating emotions into refined shapes and vibrant colors. Her work features brilliant color schemes and intriguing textures, making a significant visual impact.
Over the past five years, Elena has collaborated with numerous Canadian and U.S. galleries and has held many solo shows in Ontario. She lives and works as a full-time artist in Orangeville, Ontario.
We’re thrilled to have Elena Henderson headline our popular spring Floral show alongside 60 more incredible artists.
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About Us
Square Foot Show began as a small, annual art party in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. Each year, Julia Veenstra’s tiny studio was filled with work from local artists, each piece the same price and size. It was a huge success every time, with a lineup around the block in the dead of Canadian winter.
Until the pandemic, that is. So, Julia joined forces with some friends who had proven themselves in marketing and they moved the show online together. It was a massive success, with Square Foot Show quickly becoming known as “The Black Friday of Art”, consistently bringing thousands of new collectors across five continents to each show, with many artists selling out in mere minutes.
SquareFootShow’s vision is to build a thriving artistic community around the world, raise the profile of artists, and introduce novice and experienced art collectors to emerging and established artists alike.
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Featuring Jill Charuk and more than 50 incredible artists…
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