January 25th – 27th, 2024
Show Begins in

The Fun & Fast Paced Art Show!

Our Online Art shows feature 12×12 originals from emerging + established artists alike. Subscribe and you Could Win a Painting from our next Headliner!

Square Foot Show features one-of-a-kind original 12″x 12″ paintings created by Debbie and Brian Miller and more than 50 artists from across North America. Each piece is the same price and will be available through our website when the show begins.

Brian Miller, a multifaceted artist with BFAs in animation and filmmaking, has journeyed through various creative roles from graphic design to IT systems administration. His art, known for its bold and whimsical style, is part of private collections worldwide. Debbie Rose Miller, a self-taught artist focused on still life, celebrates the beauty in everyday moments. Her late start in art exemplifies her belief that it’s never too late to pursue a creative path.

Together, they founded They Make Art University, offering art education focusing on still life and creative habits. As members of McRae Art Studios in Orlando, they contribute significantly to the local and global art communities. Their home in Orlando is filled with art, laughter, and their two playful cats.

We are thrilled to have Debbie and Brian back Still, focused loosely on Still Life artwork! This is one not to miss.

Subscribe to our mailing list for details.

Square Foot Show features one-of-a-kind original 12″x 12″ paintings created by Debbie and Brian Miller and more than 50 artists from across North America. Each piece is the same price and will be available through our website when the show begins.

Brian Miller, a multifaceted artist with BFAs in animation and filmmaking, has journeyed through various creative roles from graphic design to IT systems administration. His art, known for its bold and whimsical style, is part of private collections worldwide. Debbie Rose Miller, a self-taught artist focused on still life, celebrates the beauty in everyday moments. Her late start in art exemplifies her belief that it’s never too late to pursue a creative path.

Together, they founded They Make Art University, offering art education focusing on still life and creative habits. As members of McRae Art Studios in Orlando, they contribute significantly to the local and global art communities. Their home in Orlando is filled with art, laughter, and their two playful cats.

We are thrilled to have Debbie and Brian back Still, focused loosely on Still Life artwork! This is one not to miss.

Subscribe to our mailing list for details.

Our Most Recent Show Featured Debbie & Brian Miller and almost 60 incredible artists…

Brian Miller`
Debbie Miller`
Alexandra Wuyke
Annie Lalo
Annie Lalo
Barbara Chapman
Bella Wattles
Chloe Chlumecky
Chris Warburton Hulme
Cindy Jackson
Danielle Beaulieu
Debbie Mueller
Deborah Fanara
Denise Kirsop
Donne Bitner
Emma Rach-Syslak
Gloria Chow
Helaine Becker
Isabelle Spiess
Jacintha Krish
Jacky Pullman
Jayne Mistretta
Jess Harris
Jordan Pearson
Judy Schmidt
Julia Veenstra
Justina Smith
Katharine Shuman
Leah Bargen
Leslie Barnum
Lisa Harper
Lori Meeboer
Louise Palmer
Lynne Mizera
Melissa Passmore
Michele Smeulders
Natalya Kuzmina
Nina “Koba” Yarmutina
Paul Jacob Chapman
Penny Gabor
Poonam Khanna
Raquel Roth
Robert Charles Bruce Scott
Robyn Barber
Sara Celorio
Sara LaMott
Sheila Merer
Sissi Sneve-Schultze
Sophie Yeh-Chau
Stephany Castilla
Susi Wingenroth
yvonne nangle
Betty Mallorca
Just a Few Hours Left...

Expressionism closes at 5pm Pacific/ 8pm Eastern tonight. You wont want to miss out on this beautiful show!

And The Winner Is...

During each show we give away a FREE 12x12 to someone on our mailing list. We have chosen a winner, at random, to receive the original from our show graphic by Canadian artist, Janet Horne Cozens. 

Congratulations to Donna C. from Ancaster, Ontario!

Thank you so much for supporting the arts! Happy collecting...
Yvonne Nangle’s (@yvonnenangle_artcreations) art is characterized by its simplicity and an emphasis on bold, uplifting colours. Doodling is at the heart of her creative process, and it lends an air of whimsy and spontaneity to each piece. Frequently, viewers say that her expressive abstract florals evoke happiness and positive emotions. 

These paintings for The Square Foot Show are from her current series “Escaping the Vase”. They are meant to brighten a spot in your home. 

See more at: www.yvonnenangleartcreations.com
Julia Veenstra (@jveenstraartist) is a vibrant and impressionistic painter. She strives to capture a moment that brings comfort to the viewer. Working as a studio artist, she creates large-format paintings that capture the imagination. Her paintings “draw a viewer in, they make an impression and cause joy”. Her paintings are a study of colour, light, and shape. Beautiful negative space is important and her strokes are fresh and vigorous.

Julia studied Illustration at Sheridan College and has lived in four countries. Her work is collected around the world and she is carried by galleries across Canada from Montreal to Kelowna. 

For years, Julia dreamed of illustrating "There Was a Thing Inside My Shoe", a story written by her daughter Rachel Cuthill in grade 6. Rachel, now a high school teacher and mother of two sweet boys, loves imagining, dancing, and reading with her children. With the help of Rachel’s son Amos, who inspired the design of the mysterious "What," Julia finally brought the book to life, turning their shared dream into reality.

The “Look At Those Cows” was a love for cows that started when Julia was in college and got to go to the Royal Winter Fair to sketch. Rachel loved cows from childhood and the expression “Look At Those Cows” was often heard as they drove through the countryside. The cow book was initially sponsored by the Ontario Dairy Farmers and they put a copy in each public school in Ontario.

See more at: www.juliaveenstra.com
Johanne Brouillette (@johannebrouilletteart) is an abstract painter who is known for her thick multilayered paintings that hint at the textures and palettes of the Canadian landscape while allowing open-ended narratives for the viewer to fill in.
She is a jury-elected member of the Society of Canadian Artists and the Federation of Canadian Artists. 

Johanne's abstract paintings have been included in over 80 regional, national, and international juried exhibits and have been awarded several prizes. Her work is represented in galleries and both private and corporate collections worldwide.

See more at: www.johannebrouillette.ca

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