Artist Application
Application Process & Samples
You are welcome to apply at any time for upcoming shows. Once you apply, you do not need to have your show pieces ready in advance. Please note: we do not wish to receive the work intended to be sold in a show until the artists have been invited, accepted their spot in a show, and received a welcome email.
Use the form below to submit an artist application to be featured in one of our next shows. We will review your submission and get back to you as soon as we can with a response.

Selling my work for $300.00 is definitely a sale! A half off sale! Then there is the commission to the show organizers. It does seem hard to swallow. But my best clients, who have spent the most on originals, came from a Square Foot Show! This is a great way to grow your following and get a customer hooked on originals! I can even write off the difference in price on my taxes.
Julia Veenstra | @jveenstraartist
Before my first Square Foot Show even happened, I sold a couple of other paintings and had another selected to be the cover art of an online magazine. Also, I’ve grown my instagram followers by over 1,200! I can’t thank you enough for this opportunity!
Nancy Bryant | @nancybryant6688
I am an emerging artist and it was thrilling to sell two of my 12×12 pieces and another from my website during the show. The exposure was fantastic. Thank you so much! I hope to be in another Square Foot Show in the future!
Gretchen Fogelstrom | @gretchenfogelstromart
I’d never participated in a show quite like this before but the experience was amazing and more than a little thrilling! All of my paintings sold out within the first two hours of the show; I couldn’t believe it!
Joanne Nemeth | @joanne_nemeth
12x12s are a perfect size and the show challenged me to make better and more marketable pieces. The show is amazing for any hard working, unique artists that want to grow. Square Foot Show is like a really strong wind behind you. If you work hard and try try try, this helps. Thank you again so much! Super happy to be involved.
Alvin Ray |
One of my new collectors, that discovered me through the show, has bought a larger painting from me and is waiting for my solo show to buy another! A gallery in Winnipeg contacted me to do some pieces for them, as well. The exposure from the show has been invaluable. Thank you so much for helping me to share my work!
Raquel Roth | @rrothart